Latest Atlas Incinerators news

Atlas Incinerator unveils the most environmentally friendly marine incinerator - X10 TITAN
Atlas Incinerator unveils the most environmentally friendly marine incinerator - X10 TITAN

The most environmentally friendly marine incinerator is making an impact in the marketplace. Another milestone for the new incinerator, X10 TITAN, is reached. The market has ind...

First X10 TITAN order in hand for Atlas Incinerators
First X10 TITAN order in hand for Atlas Incinerators

A few months after launching the new X10 TITAN range, Atlas is happy to see that the market has responded well by ordering the first units for Chinese shipyard and European shipo...

ATLAS Incinerators’ introduces new X10 TITAN for shipowners and shipyards
ATLAS Incinerators’ introduces new X10 TITAN for shipowners and shipyards

For decades it has been customary to use steam, electricity, or thermal oil to heat sludge oil before its incineration. ATLAS Incinerators’ new X10 TITAN range, launched with...
