Latest Chevron Corporation news

Chevron supports Team Rubicon TRades Academy with $100K grant
Chevron supports Team Rubicon TRades Academy with $100K grant

Team Rubicon is announcing an additional investment by Chevron towards the proposed TRades Academy to train skilled tradespeople. The $100,000 grant by Chevron’s Gulf of Mexi...

Sea Cargo Charter elects new Chair and Vice Chair
Sea Cargo Charter elects new Chair and Vice Chair

At the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Sea Cargo Charter Association in Copenhagen, the 36 Signatories elected new Steering Committee members and discussed past and future activities. I...

Mersey Maritime marks 20th anniversary year with the 8th Annual Mersey Maritime Industry Awards
Mersey Maritime marks 20th anniversary year with the 8th Annual Mersey Maritime Industry Awards

In Mersey Maritime’s 20th anniversary year, the North West and national maritime industry came together on Thursday, 10th November 2022 to celebrate the sector at the 8th A...
