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Hellenic Marine Equipment Manufacturers and Exporters (HEMEXPO), a major suppliers and exporters association for the international shipping sector, has reached an agreement with the world’s renowned classification society, DNV, for the assessment of energy-saving devices (ESDs) produced by HEMEXPO member companies.

Stepwise ESD assessment

Under the terms of the agreement, in the first instance, DNV will review a makers list provided by HEMEXPO to identify ESDs that fall in the category of energy-saving devices, according to DNV's expertise. 

In the second step, DNV will assess which regulatory metrics, i.e., the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) and the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI), the relevant ESDs affect. Finally, the classification society will issue a letter of professional opinion for the HEMEXPO products that fall into the ESD category. This will confirm that the product is assessed as an ESD, as per step 1, and describe the regulatory metrics it influences, as per step 2.

Environmental sustainability objectives

HEMEXPO’s endeavours to encourage the marine equipment industry’s transition towards green"

Eleni Polychronopoulou, HEMEXPO President, said, “Our agreement with DNV is a significant breakthrough as it aligns closely with the need for an international standard on ESDs, and HEMEXPO’s endeavours to encourage the marine equipment industry’s transition towards green solutions, which HEMEXPO is working towards."

Eleni Polychronopoulou adds, "ESDs support ship owners and yards in meeting their environmental sustainability objectives, and this agreement will facilitate the acceptance of impactful technologies within the maritime industry.”

CII, EEXI, and EEDI ratings

"Whether selected for retrofit or at the new building stage, ESDs can help shipping companies improve their CII, EEXI, and EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index) ratings and as the maritime regulatory landscape evolves, their importance will only grow," Eleni Polychronopoulou continues.

Chara Georgopoulou, Head of the Maritime R&D and Advisory - OCCS Manager for DNV Greece, commented, “We are pleased to sign an agreement with HEMEXPO to assess its energy-saving devices."

New fuels and digitalisation

Chara Georgopoulou adds, "The maritime industry has set ambitious sustainability targets and improvements to vessel efficiency and ESDs, alongside new fuels and digitalisation, can significantly contribute to achieving those goals. ESDs can be instrumental in helping to reduce fuel use, cut greenhouse gas emissions and fully contribute towards compliance."

Chara Georgopoulou continues, "For wider adoption, however, the industry needs confidence in the technology. By working together to review HEMEXPO member products, DNV is proud to help build this confidence and ensure that the shipping industry can use ESDs to meet its decarbonisation goals.”

Environmentally friendly solutions

HEMEXPO is committed to delivering environmentally friendly solutions and services to support shipping’s green transition. In addition to ESDs, its member companies offer sustainable technology including friction-reducing hull coatings, shore connection facilities, and carbon capture systems.

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